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Neil Diamond: Sweet Caroline

Direct from the West End - the Ultimate tribute to Neil Diamond.

Direct from London’s Adelphi Theatre. . . it’s time for that night out you have been dreaming of!
Starring Gary Ryan, as seen on Stars in Their Eyes!

The show will take you back to where it began. A musical journey featuring 50 years of the greatest songs ever written.

Celebrate the music that has charmed six generations as we bring you all things Diamond with a sensational live show.

Enjoy all the hitsForever In Blue Jeans, America, Love On The Rocks, Song Sung Blue, Hello Again, Cracklin’ Rosie, I Am. . . I Said, Beautiful Noise and, of course,Sweet Caroline.

The good times never seemed so good!

“The closest thing to the real deal, live” London Theatre Reviews

This is a tribute show and is no way affiliated with any original artists/estates/management companies or similar shows.

Promoter reserves the right to alter the programme.

Website: entertainers.co.uk
YouTube -https://youtu.be/eDkbv_S7Vqk

Doors 6:30pm / Show 7:30pm / Approx finish 9:45pm

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